Klaus Kastberg
Artist and Designer
'The Power Of 2'
Featuring artwork
from forthcoming
Late artist, Klaus Kastberg, combines sacred geometry, pure mathematics and Art to bring us drawings that unite perfectly, yet may divide academia.
Music by John Harley Weston
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Video Interview
'Lines Of Truth' Klaus Kastberg
It has been said that true Art is found at the intersection of Art and Science. With geometric drawings the late Danish designer artist Klaus Kastberg shows how the design of the great Pyramid of Giza has a direct relationship with Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, Michael Maier's Philosopher's Stone, Le Corbusier's Modulor, designer Piet Hein’s Super Circle and even a refraction photo of an atom, the essence of life itself.
As well as claiming the mathematical constant 'pi' used today is incorrect (the true 'pi' is 22/7), Klaus shows a correlation between the Great Pyramid built 5000 years ago and the metre, a measurement only implemented in the late 1700's by the French. How can that be? His drawings also show the never before located 'hidden chamber' beneath the Great Pyramid.
Music by John Harley Weston